チェルフィッチュ 労苦の終わり


[キャスト数]5名(男:3, 女:2)

chelfitsch The End of Toil

Imaizumi-kun had been dating with two girls, but this time, he left Tanaka-san and proposed Kawaguchi-san. So now Kawaguchi-san is going to finish her room sharing with another woman. By the way, the woman, who is the roommate of her, is actually a married grass widow. But she has never talked about that to Kawaguchi-san.
So the two couples, one is going to marry and the other breaking up their marriage, describe the two variations of "marriage". One could have one's say, the other couldn't.

Playwrite / Director: Toshiki Okada
Premiere: 2004
Duration: 135min
Casts: 5(Male:3, Female:2)