チェルフィッチュ マリファナの害について



chelfitsch On the Harmful Effects of Marijuana

A monologue. Mia, a girl around the age of 20, is waiting for her friend Hiroko by the window seat at a Starbucks Coffee near Yokohama station. Hiroko talks about her elder boyfriend, Kadota. Kadota offered Hiroko marijuana when they were in a hotel one day, and Hiroko was shocked. They hadnユt met for a while since. Hiroko is concerning if she continues her relationship with Kadota or not. Listening to her story, Mia watches a guy from the window, doing his part-time job of handing out brochures of cosmetics. The actor now starts to play the role of the guy. The actor complains as the guy. Because heユs doing the job absent-mindedly, he hands the brochure to a tall guy by mistake and gets cursed by him. The tall guy was Kadota. Kadota walks to Hiroko in Starbucks with horrible expression on his face. The title comes from Chekhov's monologue "On The Harmful Effects of Tobacco".

Playwrite / Director: Toshiki Okada
Premiere: 2003
Duration: 25min
Casts: 1(Female)