チェルフィッチュ チェルフィッチュの〈映像演劇〉 風景、世界、アクシデント、すべてこの部屋の外側の出来事



わたしたちには ーわたしたち皆にである、とは必ずしも言えないけれどもー この世界を把握したいという好奇心があり、この世界を正しく知っていなければならないという責任感さえ、場合によってはあります。一方で、わたしたちには身体の大きさとか、視野、知覚能力、思考の能力、時間、といった条件があらかじめ与えられています。それによる限界のもとで、わたしたちは世界を理解しようとしていて、ですからその理解は誤解である可能性も大いにありますけれども、それは仕方ないことです。



プロダクションマネジメント|小森あや(TASKO inc. )


chelfitsch chelfitsch’s Eizo-Theater The Landscape, the World, and Accidents: Everything That Happens Outside of This Room

A theatrical performance/exhibition chelfitsch’s〈EIZO-Theater〉 
“The Landscape, the World, and Accidents: Everything at Happens Outside of is Room”consisting of four 〈EIZO-Theater〉created by a theatrical writer, Toshiki Okada (chelfitsch), with the theme of boundaries.
〈EIZO-Theater〉 is a new style of drama developed by Okada Toshiki, who works with stage and video designer Yamada Shinpei, and is presided over by theatrical writer chelfitsch. "a play is a "fiction as a phenomenon" in which a performance takes place in a place" says Okada, who has written many works that question the form of theater itself.
What is performed/exhibited in 〈EIZO-Theater〉 is images of life-size actors projected on screens, etc. In the video, an actor plays a role, but there is no background or depth. Because they are images, the audience can approach and stare at them, and enjoy them in a way that is different from the normal "Theatre".
On the other hand, despite the lack of depth of the image, there is a unique presence and vividness that is different from the "Theatre" performed by humans.
When the audience is exposed to the image and the actor's performance and the audience's imagination are combined, the space where the image is projected changes into the space where the play is born.
By watching〈EIZO-Theater〉the audience experiences two realms at the same time: fiction that occurs as "Theatre" and fiction that occurs as "image".

Toshiki Okada
We – although not necessarily all of us – have an intellectual curiosity that makes us want to know about this world, and even a sense of responsibility that says we must get accurate knowledge of it, depending on the circumstances. At the same time, we are given various conditions in advance, such as the size of our bodies, our eld of vision, cognitive capabilities, powers of thought, and time. We attempt to understand the world under the limits imposed by these conditions. ere is consequently a strong possibility that our understanding will be mistaken, but that cannot be helped. I think these limits can be likened to being in a small room. If that room feels more or less comfortable to us, we can also be isolated from the world while in it. is sort of attitude or sensation may be needed at times, but whether or not it is something good, I am not sure.

Playwrite / Director: Toshiki Okada
Video Director: Shimpei Yamada
Performers:Tomomitsu Adachi, Ayana Shiibashi
Premiere: 2020
The number of video pieces: 4


Playwright, Direction: Toshiki Okada
Video Director: Shimpei Yamada
Performers: Tomomitsu Adachi, Ayana Shiibashi
Technical Direction, Video system coder: Takuro Iwata (SCARTS)
Costume: Kyoko Fujitani (FAIFAI)
English Translation: Aya Ogawa
Publicity Design: Shie Sato (SA+O)