チェルフィッチュ 地面と床


[キャスト数]5名(男:2, 女:3)


[衣装]池田木綿子(Luna Luz)


Festivals d’Automne à Paris(パリ / フランス), Les Spectacles vivants ‒ Centre Pompidou (パリ / フ ランス), HAU Hebbel am Ufer (ベルリン / ドイツ), La Bâtie ‒ Festivals de Genève(ジュネーブ / スイ ス), KAAT神奈川芸術劇場 (横浜), Kyoto Experiment(京都), De Internationale Keuze van de Rotterdamse Schouwburg(ロッテルダム/オランダ), Dublin Theatre Festival(ダブリン / アイルラン ド), Théâtre Garonne(トゥールーズ/フランス), Onassis Culutural Center(アテネ/ギリシャ)

chelfitsch Ground and Floor

"Beginning with his Current Location, which debuted in 2012, playwright Toshiki Okada greatly altered his attitude toward theatre. This alteration was undoubtedly heavily influenced by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the circumstances in Japanese society resulting from the disaster.
A more in-depth exploration into the realm of fiction induced by this change, Ground and Floor, his new opus, is a narrative of the dead and the living, played out on the stage of a ""Japan in the not-too-distant future"". In it, Okada also takes up the challenge of a new approach aimed at further developing the relationship between music and performance, a theme which he has tackled in previous productions, with a view to creating a musical theatre as only chelfitsch could. This bold new foray by Okada and chelfitsch richly deserves to be experienced."

Playwrite / Director: Toshiki Okada
Premiere: 2013
Duration: 90min
Casts: 5 (Male:2, Female: 3 )


Produced by:

Co‐produced by:
Festivals d'Automne à Paris(France), Les Spectacles vivants - Centre Pompidou (France), HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Germany), La Bâtie - Festivals de Genève(Swiss), KAAT (Kanagawa Art Theatre) (Japan), Kyoto Experiment(Japan), De Internationale Keuze van de Rotterdamse Schouwburg(Netherlands), Dublin Theatre Festival(Ireland),Théâtre Garonne (France), Onassis Culutural Center(Greece)