岡田利規 God Bless Baseball


演劇カンパニー「チェルフィッチュ」の主宰・劇作家として、現代社会に生きる人々を独自の言語と身体感覚を用いて鮮やかに描き、2011年の震災後も日本の社会状況を露わに批評した作品を発表してきた岡田利規。本作では、2015年9月に韓国・光州にオープンしたAsian Arts Theatreからの委嘱を受け、初めて日本人以外の俳優との創作に臨みました。「日韓共同制作」という枠組みでしか描けない物語とその表象を、身近な「野球」を題材にすることで最大限に追求し、「アメリカ」という巨大な存在との関係性について、これまでにないスケールで社会への重要な問いを投げかけます。

[キャスト数]4名(男:2, 女:2 / 日本人:2, 韓国人:2)


[舞台美術]高嶺 格 
[ドラマトゥルク]金山寿甲(東葛スポーツ) 、イ・ホンイ 
[照明]木藤 歩 
[制作]中村 茜、黄木多美子、ケティング菜々、兵藤茉衣、河村美帆香(プリコグ) 

Asia Culture Center ‒ Asian Arts Theatre, フェスティバル/トーキョー, Taipei Arts Festival

FringeArts, Philadelphia; Japan Society, New York; Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago; The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland; Wexner Center for the Arts at The Ohio State University

Doosan Art Center

Toshiki Okada God Bless Baseball

A collaboration piece directed by Toshiki Okada with Korean and Japanese actors

The game of baseball was reportedly introduced into Japan in 1873 and Korea in 1904. Over the last more than 100 years, it has solidly taken root in both countries, and is deeply intertwined with society and people's lives. The play proceeds through a sequence of various baseball-related scenes. We meet women who do not know the rules of the game very well, and a man who came to hate baseball because of a traumatic experience in his childhood. Then there is a baseball-loving woman who, by some twist of fate, ended up marrying that man. A pseudo-Ichiro Suzuki (the Japanese outfielder who went on to break the long-standing record for the most single-season hits in the U.S. big leagues) and other baseball-related characters make an appearance along with personal and national memories bound up with baseball. The work also portrays exploits of and anecdotes about Korean and Japanese baseball players who made their mark in the U.S. major leagues.

Eventually, the story inevitably turns to squarely face the larger issue of the United States, which has had a tremendous influence on both Japan and Korea, and continues to exert its influence on us. America is at once above us, behind us, inside us, and with us. Can't we somehow build a relationship with this huge power of influence which differs from that of the present?

Playwrite / Director: Toshiki Okada
Premiere: 2015
Duration: 100min
Casts:4(Male:2, Female:2 / Korean2, Japanese2)


Co­-produced by:
Asian Culture Complex ­ Asian Arts Theatre, Festival/Tokyo, Taipei Arts Festival

Additional Commissioning Support provided by:
FringeArts, Philadelphia; Japan Society, New York; Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago; The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland; and Wexner Center for the Arts at The Ohio State University