岡田利規 ウティット・ヘーマムーン(小説家)× 岡田利規(演劇作家、小説家)『プラータナー:憑依のポートレート』

生 / 性への欲望に恥じる日も、救われる日もある。
70年代生まれの芸術家二人が描く  わたしたちの“自画像”

アジアの今を生きる個人のアイデンティティや内面を鮮やかに描き出し国際的に高く評価されるタイ現代文学気鋭の小説家、ウティット・ヘーマムーン。若者の日常的所作を現代演劇にアップデートする作風で一躍世界の演劇界の注目を集め、以降も、現代社会をつぶさに観察した作品を国内外の主要なフェスティバル、劇場で発表している演劇カンパニー「チェルフィッチュ」主宰の岡田利規。 2人のアーティストが初めてタッグを組む『プラータナー:憑依のポートレート』では、ヘーマムーンの最新長編小説を岡田が舞台化。物語の主人公は、バンコクに住むひとりの画家。芸術活動とそれを取り巻く社会のなかで、自己を探し求めながら葛藤し、さまざまな出会いと喪失を経験します。90年代から現代までの時間の流れの中で、登場人物の内面や性愛感情が鮮やかに描かれながら、彼らが住む社会の歴史、政治変動が投影され、「生きることとは何か」という根源的な問いを投げかけます。 出演にバンコクでのオーディションにより選出した11名の才能あふれる俳優、空間をデザインするセノグラファーにcontact Gonzoの塚原悠也、演出助手にバンコクを拠点にFor What Theatreなどで活動する注目の演出家、ウィチャヤ・アータマート、そのほかタイと日本より集結したクリエイター陣を迎えた作品です。

【特設Webサイト】 →http://pratthana.net

[キャスト数]11名 (男6・女5)






Toshiki Okada A Collaboration Project between Uthis Haemamool and Toshiki Okada "Pratthana - A Portrait of Possession"

To live and create is to question the times.
The day of shame about lust for life/sex is also the day of salvation.
Our "self portrait" by two artists born in the 1970s.

A spirited novelist in the vanguard of contemporary Thai literature, novelist Uthis Haemamool, has won high accolades internationally for his brilliant examinations of the identity and psyche of individuals living in today's Asia. Toshiki Okada, playwright and director of the theatrical company chelfitsch, quickly became a focus of attention throughout the world of theater for his style incorporating the daily doings and mindset of Japanese youth into an updated version of contemporary theater. He has since staged works reflecting his keen insights into contemporary society at major festivals and theaters inside and outside Japan. These two creators are collaborating for the first time in the making of "Pratthana - A Portrait of Possession," a theatrical adaptation of Haemamool's latest novel by Okada. The protagonist of the narrative is a lone painter who lives in Bangkok. He struggles while searching for himself in his artistic activities and the surrounding social context, and goes through various encounters and losses. In the temporal flow from the 1990s to the present, the play vividly depicts the psyche and sexual feelings of the characters, with echoes of the history of and political changes in the society they inhabit. In so doing, it poses the fundamental question of just what it means to live. The play is performed by 11 extremely talented actors who were selected through auditions held in Bangkok. Yuya Tsukahara, a member of contact Gonzo, discharges the role of scenographer and handles the spatial design. The assistant director is Wichaya Artamat, a director coming to the fore who is based in Bangkok and is active in For What Theatre and other groups. The play will have the additional support of other creators who are coming together from Thailand and Japan.

*A special website for “Pratthana - A Portrait of Possession” http://pratthana.net

Original novel by: Uthis Haemamool
Script, Direction: Toshiki Okada
Premiere: 2018
Duration: 4h (Break Time 20min)
Casts: 11 (Male:6, Female:5)


Original novel by: Uthis Haemamool
Script, Direction: Toshiki Okada
Scenography: Yuya Tsukahara
Assistant Director: Wichaya Artamat

Cast: Jarunun Phantachat, Kemmachat Sermsukchareonchai, Kwankaew Kongnisai, Pavinee Samakkabutr, Sasapin Siriwanij, Tap-a-nan Tandulyawat, Teerawat Mulvilai, Thanaphon Accawatanyu, Thongchai Pimapunsri, Waywiree Ittianunkul, Witwisit Hiranyawongkul

Organized by The Japan Foundation Asia Center, precog co.,LTD., chelfitsch
Supported by Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), The Saison Foundation

Organized by Japan Foundation, Centre Pompidou
Coorganized by Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), Festival d'Automne à Paris
Produced by The Japan Foundation Asia Center, precog co.,LTD., chelfitsch
Funded by The Saison Foundation