映像演劇 『ニュー・イリュージョン』 韓国ツアー


作・演出 岡田利規
映像 山田晋平
出演 足立智充、椎橋綾那、 Jeong Jung-yeop


『ニュー・イリュージョン』上演によせて    ーーー 岡田利規






11月5日(土) 15:00 / 19:00
11月6日(日)14:00 / 17:00
会場|国立アジア文化殿堂(Asia Culture Center)

Ob/Scene Festival
11月10日(木) 19:30
11月11日(金) 14:00 / 16:30 / 19:30
11月12日(土) 11:00 / 14:00 / 17:00 / 20:00
11月13日(日) 11:00 / 14:00 / 17:00
会場|SFAC theater QUAD



作・演出 岡田利規
映像 山田晋平
出演 足立智充、椎橋綾那、 Jeong Jung-yeop

音楽 Jang Young-gyu

録音・音響 中原楽(Luftzug)
照明 髙田政義(RYU)、葭田野浩介(RYU)
衣裳 藤谷香子(FAIFAI)
舞台監督 川上大二郎、守山真利恵
録音 佐藤佑樹、株式会社 大城音響事務所
映像アシスタント 齊藤詩織(青空)、樋口勇輝
通訳 イ・ナウォン
英語字幕 アヤ・オガワ
韓国語字幕 イ・ホンイ

音響 佐藤佑樹

照明 長坂有紗(RYU)

委嘱 Ob/Scene Festival
製作 一般社団法人チェルフィッチュ
企画制作 株式会社precog
協力 公益財団法人セゾン文化財団、空 、オフィススリーアイズ

主催 Virtual Station、一般社団法人チェルフィッチュ
共催 Asia Culture Center
助成 文化庁文化芸術振興費補助金(国際芸術交流支援事業)|独立行政法人日本芸術文化振興会

主催 Virtual Station、一般社団法人チェルフィッチュ
共催 Ob/Scene Festival, SPAF theater QUAD
助成 Asia Culture Center、文化庁文化芸術振興費補助金(国際芸術交流支援事業)|独立行政法人日本芸術文化振興会

EIZO-Theater NEW-ILLUSION Tour in Korea

Reality or fiction? Present or past? Existence or absence? Video or theater? Or something as yet unseen?

Playwright / Director : Toshiki Okada
Video Director : Shimpei Yamada
Cast : Tomomitsu Adachi, Ayana Shiibashi, Jeong Jung-yeop

EIZO-Theater presents “theater” by means of actual-size images of actors projected onto screens etc. and the audience’s powers of imagination. Works in the EIZO-Theater series were initially performed/displayed in art museums and exhibition space, but moved into a theatre for the first time with the showing of KAISOU: Layer, Class or Hierarchy at the Toyohashi Arts Theatre PLAT in March 2022. This performance/display made use of the theatre structure consisting of the basement and audience seating. For NEW-ILLUSION, EIZO-Theater will be presented in the theatre space and follow the conventional style of stage and audience seating. Images of a man and a woman projected on a screen on the stage begin talking about a play that was performed in that theatre up until the preceding day and was set in the room where they had lived together.

However, is what the two are talking about a play = fiction or their actual life = reality? Meanwhile, the fictional space projected onto the screen and the real space of the theatre encroach on each other. And for an instant, the audience senses the presence of actors that are not supposed to be there… Reality and fiction, present and past, and existence and absence overlap on the stage and change the look of things there, like a trompe l’oeil painting. A new illusion created by EIZO-Theater will undoubtedly come into view through its the gaps between these dichotomies.

On the staging of NEW-ILLUSION - Toshiki Okada

Theatre is an art form enabling the existence of things that do not actually exist in the performance space, on the level of the imagination. As such, in theatre, we can create illusions. The illusions in theatre can sometimes have a solidity which would permit us to say that the subject actually exists there. This is because they are experienced in common by all of the people in attendance at the performance.

In recent years, we members of chelfitsch have been working on EIZO-Theater, a distinctive style of theatre. In it, the space of the performance is that where actual-size images of performances by actors are projected. Illusions appear in this performance space, through the projected images.

What appears in the projected images is an illusion, in the sense that it is not really present in the performance space where its image is projected. Nevertheless, this is not the whole story of illusions in EIZO-Theater; the theatrical illusion born of the acting by the actors in the projected images - that is, the illusion generated by an illusion - is an illusion created by EIZO-Theater.

Through my practice of EIZO-Theater thus far, I am now able to say with confidence that I have absolutely no confidence in my ability to accurately distinguish what is reality and what is illusion in this world. Perhaps you, too, will feel this way if you experience NEW-ILLUSION, the latest work of EIZO-Theater at this point in time.

Subtitle|Korean and English

Performance in Gwangju
Date|Nov. 5, 2022 (Sat) - Nov. 6, 2022 (Sun)
Performance Schedule|
Nov. 5, 2022 (Sat) 15:00 / 19:00
Nov. 6, 2022 (Sun) 14:00 / 17:00
Venue|Asian Culture Center
Detail | https://www.acc.go.kr/main/performance.do?PID=0102&action=Read&bnkey=EM_0000005649

Performance in Seoul
Date|Nov. 10, 2022 (Thu) - Nov. 13, 2022 (Sun)
Performance Schedule|
Nor. 10, 2022 (Thu) 19:30
Nor. 11, 2022 (Fri) 14:00 / 16:30 / 19:30
Nor. 12, 2022(Sat) 11:00 / 14:00 / 17:00 / 20:00
Nor. 13, 2022(Sun) 11:00 / 14:00 / 17:00
Venue|SFAC theater QUAD
Detail | http://ob-scene.com/en/festival/artworks/new-illusion



Playwright·Director: Toshiki Okada
Video Director: Shimpei Yamada
Cast: Tomomitsu Adachi, Ayana Shiibashi, Jeong Jung-yeop
Music: Jang Young-gyu

Recording, Sound: Raku Nakahara(Luftzug)
Lighting: Masayoshi Takada(RYU), Kousue Ashidano(RYU)
Costume: Kyoko Fujitani(FAIFAI)
Stage Manager: Daijiro Kawakami, Marie Moriyama
Recording: Yuki Sato, OHSHIRO SOUND OFFICE Inc.
Video Assistant: Shiori Saito(AOZORA), Yuki Higuchi
Interpretation: Nawon Lee
English Translation: Aya Ogawa
Korean Translation: Hongyie Lee
Producer: Megumi Mizuno(precog)
Production Manager: Nanami Endo(precog)
Assistant Production Manager: Ema Murakami(precog)
Production Desk: Yuri Saito, Kumi Hiraoka(precog)

(for Gwangju performance)
Sound Operator: Yuki Sato

(for Gwangju & Seoul performance)
Lighting Operator: Arisa Nagasaka (RYU)

Commissioned by Ob/Scene Festival
Produced by chelfitsch
Planning and Production Management : precog co., LTD.

Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs , Government of Japan through the Japan Arts Council
In co-operation with KU Inc., office III’s
With the assistance of The Saison Foundation

(for Gwangju performance)
Organized and Produced by Virtual Station, chelfitsch
Co-produced and Hosted by Asia Culture Center
Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs , Government of Japan through the Japan Arts Council

(for Seoul performance)
Organized and Produced by Virtual Station, chelfitsch
Co-presented by Ob/Scene Festival, SPAF theater QUAD
Supported by the Asia Culture Center, the Agency for Cultural Affairs , Government of Japan through the Japan Arts Council