岡田利規が、STUDIO theatregallery(ポーランド)とOnassis Stegi(ギリシャ)が主催するプロジェクトにて、オンラインワークショップ"HOW IMAGINATIONS WORK"を実施。
“I always put great emphasis on imagination while creating performances. Why? One reason is that I believe the actors’ imagination can be seen by audiences; in other words, to experience theater is to relate to the actors’ imagination. It is almost the same thing, at least for me. And another important reason is that I view imagination as a kind of choreographer. I trust it a lot in this sense. I know that imagination is very often wonderful at finding crazy movements you cannot get to when thinking theoretically. I always ask actors to have as many interesting imaginative ideas as possible and to develop them. And I tell them to ask their imagination to make them move.
I’d like to share these kinds of ways and ideas with you. We are going to start by observing how you can be affected by your imagination, or how it moves your body through certain workshops. And we are eventually going to try and build fictional imaginations, such as when you are given some lines to say, trying to develop your imagination to make movements more interesting.”
2020年10月5日,8日,12日,15日 14:00〜(CET)
所要時間 各回2時間
開催場所 zoom