出演 岡田利規、ウティット・ヘーマムーン
日時 11月19日(土)16:00〜18:00
会場 The Jam Factory
詳細(タイ語・英語) https://www.facebook.com/events/894486210651276/
ウティット・ヘーマムーン×岡田利規 スペシャルトーク &ディスカッション
A Special Talk and Discussion Uthis Haemamool x Toshiki Okada
A Special Talk and Discussion on Literature and Theatre
Uthis Haemamool x Toshiki Okada
-Date : Saturday 19th November 2016, 16:00 – 18:00
- Venue : The Jam Factory
- Admission Fee : Free
- Language : Thai and Japanese
A special event is to commemorate the publication and exchange ideas and thoughts on Toshiki Okada’s novel “The End of the Special Time We Were Allowed” translated by Matana Jaturasangpairoj, and published by Gamme Magie Editions, with special guest interpreters; Sho Fukutomi and Artch Bunnag.
**This talk event is a free admission event. However, in order to provide a comfortable venue, may we ask you to book your seats in advance via;
-Posting in this evnt page or massege us at FB: jfbangkok
- Email: booking_acd@jfbkk.or.th
- Tel: 081-645-6950 (Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm)
-- Co – organized by
The Japan Foundation, Bangkok/ Precog/ Candide Books / The Jam Factory / สำนักพิมพ์กำมะหยี่