チェルフィッチュ スーパープレミアムソフトWバニラリッチ

バイト定員、店長、客、本部スーパーバイザー、そして、数千種類の商品たち。現代日本人の <聖地> 、コンビニで繰り広げられる、チェルフィッチュによる「黙示録」(アポカリプス)?!

2011年以降、『現在地』『地面と床』と重厚な作品を立て続けに発表してきたチェルフィッチュが、それら「フィクション」の探求を経て2014年につくった『スーパープレミアムソフトWバニラリッチ』。日本の現代社会を象徴するコンビニエンスストアを、どこまでも軽くユーモラスに、かつ辛辣に容赦なく描きます。 全編に流れるバッハの『平均律クラヴィーア曲集第一巻』全 48 楽章にのせて、ノッキングを起こしたようなパフォー マンスを展開。現代日本人の<聖地>コンビニで流れるバロック音楽の、言葉と身体との過剰で過激なハイブリッドは、わたしたちの「現在」を、どう浮かび上がらせるのか。




Theater der Welt 2014(マンハイム/ドイツ)委嘱作品
Theater der Welt 2014 (マンハイム/ドイツ)、KAAT神奈川芸術劇場(横浜)、LIFT-London Internation- al Festival of Theatre (ロンドン/イギリス)、Maria Matos Teatro Municipal (リスボン/ポルトガル)、CULTURALS- CAPES(バーゼル/スイス)、Kaserne Basel(バーゼル/スイス)、A House on FIRE co-production, with the support of the European Union

chelfitsch Super Premium Soft Double Vanilla Rich

Set in the convenience store
Over the characteristic embellishments of Bach’s music
Corresponding with speech and movements
More radically than “Hot Pepper, Air-Conditioner, and the Farewell Speech” (2009) !!!!

After 2011, when playwright Toshiki Okada made a shift of creative course in the direction of exploring fiction, chelfitsch appeared in a succession of weighty works, as “Current Location” in 2012 and “Ground and Floor” in 2013. For his latest opus, in contrast, Okada is aspiring to a dance-oriented production that manages to be at once thoroughly light-hearted and humorous as well as biting and merciless. The setting is a convenience store, a place symbolizing contemporary Japanese society. The performance featuring seven distinctive characters unfolds to the accompaniment of all 48 preludes and fugues that make up J.S. Bach's "The Well-Tem- pered Clavier," transmuted into cheap background music piped into the store. Lovers of contemporary theater can hardly wait to see what this radical hybrid of narrative and corporeality will bring to light about Japan's “today”!

Playwrite / Director: Toshiki Okada
Premiere: 2014
Duration: 100min
Casts: 7(Male: 5 Female : 2)


Commissioned by:
Theater der Welt 2014

Co-produced by:
Theatre der Welt 2014(Mannheim), KAAT (Kanagawa Arts Theatre), LIFT-London International Festival of Theatre, Maria Matos Teatro Municipal (Lisbon), CULTURALSCAPES(Basel), Kaserne Basel, A House on FIRE co-pro- duction, with the support of the European Union